jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Comprar Kindle en España

El Kindle en España

El Kindle básico ya se puede comprar en España directamente de la mano de Amazon.es. La noticia nos sorprendía a todos esta misma mañana y ya son varias las personas que han hecho sus pedidos online a la popular tienda online.

Esto es una gran noticia para todas aquellas personas que pensaban comprar un ereader estas navidades, ya que podrán comprar el libro electrónico más vendido y famoso del mundo en una web española, sin problemas con el idioma, cambio de moneda, etc.

De momento el único modelo disponible es el Kindle Básico con wifi y memoria de 2GB. Esperamos que en breve estén disponibles también el resto de modelos Kindle.

Comprar Kindle

Su precio será algo mayor que al comprarlo en la web americana, ya que cuesta 99 euros frente a los 80 euros aproximadamente al cambio si lo compras en Amazon USA.

Para más información visitar la web libros electrónicos

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Comprar un libro electrónico. Cosas a tener en cuenta

Si eres profano en esto de los ereaders o libros electrónicos, te interesa conocer los puntos que te vamos a explicar antes de comprar un libro electrónico. Tienes que tener en cuenta las siguientes cosas:

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Kindle or Kindle DX?

Kindle or Kindle DX?

Which Kindle is better?

That is the question.

Kindle line has completely revolutionized the way books, documents and information is stored and accessed. But now with two Kindle products to choose from the question is which one to choose?

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Kindle DX advantages

Kindle is better. And Kindle DX has a Bigger Display Screen. The most noticeable makeover is the new display Screen which is 1 and a half times bigger than K2. It's precisely 9.7 inches diagonally as opposed to 6 inches screen on the earlier version. There is a superb auto rotate feature which allows you to turn it in any direction and read your page in portrait or landscape position. Very handy for reading rich formatted texts, flat graphics, diagrams, charts, newspapers, google maps and weather reports. The e-link paper like technology makes it the most comfortable e-reader to read from without leaving a strain in the eye unlike computers.

Built-in PDF Support

The Gadget comes with a big breather, the built in PDF support. Last version could load pdfs but it happened in a round about way and was highly cumbersome. You had to go through the emailing process, to send your files to amazon for conversion and download it back for a minimal fee. Save the hassle with the new device because you can just download your pdf files online or from your comp via USB port now. The PDFs can display a wide variety of graphics and pages beautifully, using the faster processor with least loading time.

Overall Dimensions

The New Amazon Kindle is 10.4" in length, 7.2" in breadth and 0.38" in thickness while the Kindle 2 was much smaller measuring at 8" in length, 5.3" in breadth and 0.36" in thickness. There you see, you can't feel restricted anymore to go online or read your favorite best sellers.


There isn't an iota of doubt that they are both handy and extremely lightweight like a magazine, but DX is 18.9 ounces as compared to the Kindle 2's 10.2 ounces. Even then, the DX gives a more solid tactile feel like a real book now. It all depends on your usage and needs, which should allow you to decide if you want to compromise on the bigger screen or the weight.

File Storage Capacity

What good is a kindle without the file storage capacity. Although the increase in the disk space isn't a significant one, but it is still double than last time. DX holds a 4GB memory as against 2GB storage of Kindle 2. You can carry 3,500 books, reference manuals and documents which is 200% more from K2 which could carry 1,500 books only. The new storage capacity is a tempting one, you must agree.


The price difference is not at all negligible. So it still remains one of the major deciding factor. The Kindle DX costs $ 489 as against the cheaper 2nd Gen version, still priced at $359. Although the DX seems more useful for reading and browsing purposes because its bigger and more ergonomic, but if you just want to enjoy the portability and don't mind the 6 inch screen, you may stick to K2. Students who can now empty their backpack for good, and professionals from various field will find it all worth the cost.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Formatos para ereaders

El Kindle no es uno de los mejores libros electrónicos en cuanto a formatos, ya que es uno de los ereaders que menos tipos acepta. No obstante, ya sabes que hay conversores gratuitos entre formatos. Aquí te explicamos más cosas acerca de los formatos para tu libro electrónico:

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Kindle 3 changes from kindle 2

Kindle 3 Vs. Kindle 2 comparison

The new Kindle 3 will have a few different features that differ from the earlier generation. Continue reading to know the changes and differences between kindle 3 and Kindle 2.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Some Kindle accessories

Things to buy for your Kindle

E-readers are becoming so popular especially to people who love spending their leisure time reading eBooks. But of course since people are already crazy about electronic book readers and the likes, pretty sure, things that will also help for the upkeep of these gadgets would also become a big blast for eBook reader owners. Amazon Kindle is the most well-known brands when it comes to electronic book readers. Amazon Kindle covers are becoming one of the most sought after Kindle accessories in the market today.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Amazon presenta la tablet Kindle Fire

Amazon acaba de sacar al mercado el Kindle Fire, q a diferencia de los anteriores Kindle no es un eReader sino una tablet. Sale al mercado a un precio increíblemente competitivo: 199$ (unos 150€). Con la fama y calidad que le precede, y a este precio tan atractivo, estamos seguros que este nuevo Kindle tendrá igual de éxito que los anteriores.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Kindle vs Nook, the last fight

Kindle or Nook, Which one is better?

Amazon's Kindle eReader has been the leader, at least in the US, of the eReader market since the introduction of Kindle 1 in 2007. Sony has held 2nd place with 30 - 35% of the market. But now there is a new kid on the block. In October '09 Barnes & Noble announced its nook eReader that sold out on pre-order within a few weeks.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Buying the Amazon Kindle

By purchasing a Kindle, you are giving yourself or someone else the gift of pleasurable reading. With the Kindle you can carry an entire, vast personal library in your purse or briefcase and take it anywhere. With Amazon's wireless network, you can download books you've stored online. You can also buy more books, magazines, and newspapers, anytime and virtually anywhere, usually in less than one minute.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

kindle: algunas respuestas a preguntas comunes

Las dudas sobre el Kindle de Amazon suelen ser siempre las mismas. Si eres novato en el tema y estás pensando en comprar un Kindle en cualquiera de sus versiones, seguro que te las has planteado.
Aquí respondemos a algunas preguntas que la gente suele hacerse antes de comprar un Kindle:

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

$139 Kindle and the $114 Kindle

There is absolutely no difference between the $139 Kindle and the $114 Kindle as far as functionality and features go. Here’s what both of the devices have to offer customers:

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Libros para Kindle

Mejoras en el Kindle de Amazon

La tienda virtual Amazon ha anunciado que las ventas de libros para Kindle ya superan las de los formatos tradicionales.  Sin duda, su lector de libros electrónicos se está convirtiendo en el aparato más vendido y de acuerdo a los consumidores, el Kindle es el mejor eReader del mercado.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Kindle para PC

Nueva opcion en el Kindle

Kindle facilitara una funcion para bajar ebook desde este dispositivo a las pc.
La compañía ha revelado que una nueva aplicación permitirá a los usuarios que trabajen con Windows descargar directamente al equipo los libros digitales desde su portal de descargas, sin necesidad de hacerlo a través del lector electrónico.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Kindle 3 is a reality

The new Kindle 3 is a reality

, and no doubt orders for the new eReader are piling up by the thousands. For those of you who don't know what a Kindle is; simply put, it's an electronic book from Amazon which is about the height of a large novel and as slim as half a pencil. Is all the excitement for the Kindle 3 merited or is it just the same old device in a new graphite case? Let's look at what Kindle 3 brings to the table and what Amazon decided to leave out. However, before we do that we need to put some focus on the eReader market and what Amazon is trying to achieve with the Kindle.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Ventajas del kindle 3

Amazon acaba de sacar al mercado la versión más básica del Kindle 3. Un nuevo kindle con el teclado reducido y las funciones justas para usarlo como ebook reader.
¿Quieres saber las ventajas del nuevo Kindle 3 de Amazon?

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

An Amazon Kindle Story

Please note this interesting story about Amazon Kindle 2, young brother of Kindle 3. You can see many improvements in new version Kindle 3

Amazon kindle review

(Kindle version 2)

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of people out there that have written their own personal Amazon Kindle reviews. Find some at libros electronicos. But, there are some people that truly do not understand the magnitude of this new innovative device (it's current stage in development and how fast it's market is growing) and there are some that do. While reading these reviews, it becomes very clear which category people fall in. To put it in another perspective, I work at top well-known investment research firm and without getting into too many specifics, lets just say we are very bullish on AMZN stock most specifically because of the huge potential of the Amazon Kindle in the emerging e-reader market. No I am not trying to give investment advice (thats not part my job) but I just want to make it very clear how excited I am about the product and its market in general.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Things to Know about your Kindle

Here you have some useful information about you Amazon Kindle. Please enjoy it!!

Useful Info about your Kindle

Once you've had time to spend a while with your new Amazon Kindle you really begin to appreciate the enjoyable reading experience provided by this great device. If you've had a chance to download some e-books into your Kindle you also have enjoyed an additional benefits of a great audio book listening experience. But, your Kindle is capable of so much more! Here are cool things you can do with your Amazon Kindle: